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19 September 2010

Clinton is Brown, a former rival campaign.

Former President Bill Clinton will campaign for the Democratic candidate for Governor Jerry Brown that next month in what will be a show of unity between the last political rivals.

Brown's campaign announced visit Clinton Friday, less than a week before Brown apologized for the question of the honesty and imitate their relationship with the White House Monica Lewinsky internally.

In a statement released Friday Brown says the Clinton campaign and the Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom, who is running for Lieutenant Governor awaits with interest.

Clinton, helped Brown and early this week, is expected to both candidates on October 15 and 17 October advertising campaign.

A spokesman for the Clinton refused an opinion, refer questions to Brown campaign.

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Obama support name of consumers Warren on new post

President Barack Obama Wall Street critic Elizabeth Warren Special Adviser called on Friday and entrusted with setting up a new agency looking to consumers in dealing with banks, mortgage banks and other financial institutions.

Call Warren "one of the toughest of the country for SMEs", says Obama would ensure financial consumer protection Office to stop abusive practices.

"More and more people confused or deceived hardly understandable fine as pages found in arrangements for mortgages loans for students or credit cards," he said next to Warren and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at the White House rose garden.

Obama accredited Warren, to develop the concept of the new agency for consumer and said, ", which only makes sense that you must be the architect."

Obama not to appoint Warren was Director of the Office without embargo.En in instead, he creates a role that can to avoid a long confirmation with the Republicans in the Senate as much criticism of Wall Street and the big bancos.El business will come and the banking community against Warren as Director struggle, argue that it would be Agency too aggressive.

Warren designed the Advisory had while long discussions with White House officials.

The Harvard Professor 61 years old can immediately take your tasks leader who put a team of officials of the Treasury already the basis for the mesa.Obama said Warren finally help to point to the agency head.

Bypass issues White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, whether Warren, even in the post of Director March, would be only to say "the President appoints Director and Elizabeth be instrumental in filling this position".

Regulation create financial Act, that is to run the authority of the Department of the Treasury Office, while the appointment of the Director is pendiente.La Office no rules, credit cards or to limit mortgage power writes until he accepts to other agencies

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White House: Palin could be presidential race testing

The President of Barack Obama spokesman that he believes that Sarah Palin at Iowa goes, the water for a possible presidential elections to test.

Robert Gibbs's spokesman reporters on Friday that this is the time of year when the head, to evaluate the politically important state the likelihood a campaign of candidates Palin in Iowa stop Friday appears designed potenciales.Dice, is to do just that.

Palin will speak at the dinner the Reagan in Des Moines, the Republican Party of Iowa's largest fundraiser.

Gibbs, said it was clear that Palin can very conservative to meet members of the Republican base and you can now "more formidable strength" in the GOP.

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18 September 2010

Former President Carter said Senator Kennedy delay health years ago

WASHINGTON – says Jimmy Carter, that comprehensive American health care might cover, to when Ted Kennedy a proposed action plan of Carter who had blocked not decades at the White House.

The former President made the comment in an interview with CBS '60 minutes", which broadcast domingo.Partes interview published on the website show Thursday.

In the interview, Carter Kennedy "Deliberation blocking" blames health of comprehensive legislation proposed by Carter.

Kennedy, the one who most valuable health care reform causes died cancer cerebro.El Massachusetts Senator in August 2009 challenged, Carter for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1980, but fell corto.Kennedy and Carter had plans in the competition was health care reform.

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L.A.: $ 111 M in stimulus jobs stored only 55

More than a year after Congress passed the stimulus $ 800 million in the Fund, Los Angeles City controller published a report of 40 pages about how the city spends its share and the results are not meet the expectations.

"" I am disappointed that only we have set up or the 55 jobs get keep $ 111 million ", said Wendy Greuel, controller of the city."With our local rate unemployment over 12 percent that we do a better job to bureaucracy and Angelenos cut back in work brought".

In accordance with the test went Los Angeles Public Works Department change $ 70 million in funds incentive - had created seven jobs in the private sector and seven workers from despidos.Contribuyente saved costs per order: $ 1.5 million.

The Department of transport Los Angeles or fewer jobs per dollar expenditure of $ 40 million, but only nine jobs in compensation geschaffen.Mitwirkender cost per job: $ 4.4 million.

Abomination blamed the sad points to several factors:

1 Red tape: four road projects which do not even go offer up to seven months after you are approved.

(2) Projects, had to be the tender notices in the private sector, were instead joined the workers of the city.

3. The stimulus money was not properly within tracked by departments.

4. Both departments can not report created and managed in a timely manner jobs.

"" Perhaps a degree of a B-on job creation, I would say "said abomination Fox News.""You have begun to spend the dollars, but in the city, we must move quickly and in the same usual bureaucratic fuera.Creemos took seven months to some of those contracts."

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Order of the United States to release Guantanamo of prisoner's struggle

WASHINGTON – calls us Court of appeals, dragging the order of a judge of to accused recruiting the abductors of 11 States, inmate confessed you during the abusive interrogation of Guantánamo.

Commission 9 / 11, that the activities of the Government before and after September 11, 2001, attacks, born Ould Salahi examines described in his report as a significant operational, Al-Qaeda responsible how hijackers to Afghanistan to get to the Saints to train war.

Salahi found free of charge for eight years in Guantánamo and stays there and lawyers discussed his release before three judges of the Court of appeals in United States in Washington Friday.

District Judge James Robertson ruled us this year that the evidence against Salahi "is subject of restraint and abuse" and is based on classified information, which could support no law enforcement.

"If the Government depends on declarations of Salahi itself, but the reliability of these statements most of you now retired by Salahi, is largely questioned," wrote the judge in his order.

The US Department of Justice lawyers argue SALAHI was an Al Qaeda recruiters in October 1999, Ramzi bin promoted to the Shibh, Marwan al the Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah to unirse.Al Shehhi and Jarrah was two of the hijackers and am to Shibh, helped coordinate the September 11 plot and now faces trial.

SALAHI, born in 1970, he gave to that while he was student of electrical engineering at the University of Duisberg in Germany in 1990, travelled to Afghanistan and educated, to a holy war against the Communists to Kämpfen.argumentiert, that you fight of Al-Qaeda in the year 1992 links before the organization directed against us.

He was arrested in his home country Mauritania 18 days after the terrorist attacks at the 11 2001.Sus lawyers say was sent to Jordan and mistreated in eight months Bagram Air field in Afghanistan, transfer and finally to Guantánamo in 2002.

Robertson said that SALAHI, "abuse large and heavy" Guantánamo since June 2003 September subject to was in 2003.

Robertson said that in the coercive interrogation, Salahi, confessed organise excursions to some of the 9 / 11 hijackers and its support justifies.. .but as "fair" Jihad later action said nothing more than to bin the Shibh and his friends, the kidnappers, accommodations for one night, two years before the attacks.

SALAHI admits that he in touch with friends, who was Al-Qaeda was loading including his brother-in-law who am a high spiritual consultant continue.

While the evidence shows that it was Al-Qaeda in Salahi to a supporter, sporadic gave its members to support Salahi, he would not let be detained suspected that he might be a terrorist after its launch indefinitely, said Robertson.


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Obama name Elizabeth Warren post consumer

WASHINGTON – Obama President Wall Street critical Elizabeth Warren nominated, as a Special Advisor to the creation of a new Office for the protection of consumers, to monitor, an official said the democratic Wednesday.

Warren would report to the Treasury management and the white paper that 61 year require no confirmation of the consumer Defender Senado.El - had old Harvard University and Professor House takes into account the main candidate at the head of the Office itself, but its lack of support in the financial community might have laid the foundations for contentious hearings in the Senate, which ultimately have derailed his confirmation.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to a formal announcement.

The White House officials would not confirm the appointment, but Obama spokesman of Robert Gibbs, said that an announcement could be done this week.

Long during Obama a friend and supporter of Warren, was the potential dangers of appointment a polarizing figure in the middle of an election year heated.

"" I worried am the Senate on all candidates these days,"Obama, said during a press conference last week.""I have people who have waited for six months always confirmed that nobody against voted an official objection unanimously by the Committee, and I can't get a vote on you."

The Bureau of consumer law, the regulation of the financial Obama created under the draft signed the law at this Year.it have broad powers to enforce credit cards and other financial products financed by the Federal Reserve rules, the mortgages.

The new Office would consolidate, consumer protection tasks now spread across several agencies reguladores.La Financial Regulation Act grants the Department of Treasury authority run consumer protection desk, while the appointment of the Director is pending.

The law says the Secretary of finance transfer these roles to the new Office within one year, but give latitude another six months to finish creating the Agencia.Eso means Warren could, potentially, his new duties in 2012 to seek.

""Much would like to see your address that organismo.Exactamente in whatever form is less important to me than what you doing"said Republic Barney Frank, D-mass., President of the Commission on financial services House, the associated press on Wednesday.""If someone told me that easily could confirm a candidate for this job, I think it is a disqualification".

A liberal group head for Warren to do the work top consumers have been campaigns has welcomed the news but added caution.

"If this quote is show controls the window and (the Treasury) Tim Geithner, it would be a disappointment and a victory for Wall Street," said Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of progressive change campaign Committee.

Warren has served as head of the Congressional Oversight Group Management Division of Treasury Bank amounting to $ 700 billion to fund saving monitoring, known as the asset relief program Troubled.A times has money clashed with the treasure on your Committee and conclusions on the use of the tarp.

However, after the 10 September Warren intervened since working on the latest group, a sign that the new post treasure was possible.

Pending appointment news first reported by ABC.

It is not clear whether Obama that, this week work to appoint intends to permanent Director also one.

Other than candidate the Agency directly mentioned are Michael Barr, a Secretary of the Treasury, who was an architect of regulatory plans administration and Eugene Kimmelman, Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Division of the Department of Justice Antitrust.

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