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14 September 2010

Friendly rivals: the GOP opponent praise each other in an effort combining Shevchenko Hoyer

WASHINGTON - candidates compete Tuesday's primary care less about V Congressional district in which victorious forth that someone hit 28 years, Democratic incumbent representative Steny Hoyer at the parliamentary elections.

HOYER is responsible leaders the most camera and grazing much legislation Obama management on their many legislative remedies Congreso.Entre is the Americans with Disabilities Act.In recently won the district by a large majority - 73% of the vote in 2008.

""I have a strong product results for the District V record,"Hoyer said in an e-Mail, most appeared each record in the creation of jobs, U.S. manufacturing and small businesses." "I police officers on the street, teacher, keep giving classrooms and the highest level of support our veterans and the answer".

But Hoyer has been too long, i.e. his rival.

"" "" I'm hoping we can beat Steny, ", said Chris Chaffee, 49, who is running as A Republican.I think that none of us is a better option than what we have now.It time of Steny further.

"" I am obliged, with a focus on November 2, no matter who is the candidate of the party,"said Collins Bailey, 56, A Republican.""I work is now quite up to 2 November who is regardless of the candidate because we change Congress."In 2008, he called also Hoyer.

"" Bailey had even positive things about one Democratic of Hoyer, Sylvanus bent Challenger say. """" He is who would make a great Congressman, a great guy,"said Bailey.""He is caught on the political side."

And "beat Hoyer"'s team not just republicanos.Bent, 78, is the candidate believed that Americans for change in the Congress must vote and "(President_Nancy_camera) is Pelosi and Hoyer a good place to start..."

"" Steny Hoyer is looking for themselves, "said bent.""He did a good job take care of yourself and a good job taking care of their voters done".

Move the Republicans so excited by change you is Charles Lollar, tea party was a featured speaker in rallies.

"" I believe to the limits of the mandate, I was not the political career,"he said." "I think there was a time when Mr Hoyer represented from a conservative point of view."Since Lollar says "lost but in areas such as fiscal responsibility (Hoyer) its roots".

"I'm running to show district 5, you have a choice," says Lollar, but make no mistake, "Win the elections".

So far, Lollar has raised almost $ 200,000 and Maryland has received indications of freedom the tea party works group along with several other conservative groups.Southern press bulletin, support him in the GOP primary.

But his fundraising total is a fraction of the more than 3 million $ Hoyer, D-Mechanicsville planteado.Challengers democratic of Hoyer, of which none caused, that money, you feel that this dynamic is the David and Goliath one of the problems with Washington.

"" "" The biggest problem with beat Congressman Hoyer is that he gets (in millions) of pressure groups, bent said. """Lobby is simply a legal name for bribery."

Another democratic candidate of Hoyer, 27-year-old Andrew gall graduate student recognizes "I have much less resources than my opponent" and added that pending word of mouth spread his campaign.

"" Our legislative process is dominated by interests of money,"said.""We need out the special interests to keep on increasing the public financing of elections."

"But while the money an important factor in the elections is the Maryland GOP is safe.""Absolutely" says the candidate a chance against Hoyer, have Ryan Mahoney, Director of policy for the Maryland Republican party.

"" If you look at what happened in the elections, which previously took place ".Mahoney." feel anti-incumbent there there said"there is a lot of people not happy with Washington.Creo performed as the Democrats, Lollar or Collins Bailey would bring a fresh voice in Washington."

"Lollar is agreed.""I didn't think that much to lose, I must with you honest".

Chris Robinson is also on the Republican ballot, but did not respond to the request of the comentario.Gavin Shickle, as the libertarian candidate unchallenged run.

District v includes Charles, Calvert, St. Mary, parts of Prince George and Anne Arundel County

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