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16 September 2010

Carter says that North Korea mission prisoner's request

ATLANTA - former President Jimmy Carter said on Tuesday that the release of an American prisoner to him wait in August are treated the first impulse could lead to a peace on the peninsula-Seis Nación talks.

Carter who had taken place as he crossed the country from China privately he worked five weeks and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs prior to travel for free Aijalon Gomes, 31, to get permission from the White House said January 25 reasons desconocidas. Había to eight years hard labor been condemned.

It would be the only, if you share Carter came for the prisoners, the former President said in his first public statements from his trip to the country told North Korean officials.

"" We cannot communicate with North Korea so called and asked me to come for Mr Gomes, the Democratic Governor of Georgia, had "said during a discussion on the Carter Center.""Said go nobody except me würde.Offensichtlich wanted to go back."

Carter would say if he met the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, but officials want talks to reanudar.Dijo met with leaders, told him, "were eager to have to the Denuclearization of Peninsula peace talks and u.s. lead a permanent peace and South Korea".

Prestigious for long enmity between the two countries the North Korea.Met with President Kim Il Sung late in his last visit to Pyongyang 1994 in a cordial meeting led to an agreement of nuclear disarmament hito.El North Korean leader died weeks later.

"You really worship me a way, the last person that meets with Kim Il-sung, before passed," said the former President.

"" We met us with some unwanted people, some emitted the international diplomatic circles, ", said. But are those who can solve problems with unjustified war or the abuse of human rights.

Carter, who traveled to China, a week after your visit, said that it expected would initiate launch Gomes peace talks talks.China has hosted since 2002 but went North Korea last year to protest of international condemnation for his long-range missile test.

"" I think that it would be accepted in the political environment in the world,"said.""Do some strange things because you do not understand".

Carter said that those medical had been determined that Gomes, Boston, treated "excellent" during his seven months in prison and that the North Korean officials his own cell prison gab.auch, said that Gomes got his own hospital room in the capital, Pyongyang, once tried him to kill, but he not developed.

Did not accept oral questions, but only answered these writings on notecards.

The center of Atlanta to a private mission (a) was forced to have Gomes, the by rejection of the Washington diplomatic relations restore vacuum left diplomat to fill to ensure with Norte.Dijo Korea, he seeks approval from Washington to take diplomatic trips, but he no back, once he it, said Carter.

"" This is the kind of problem that cannot be faces of the Carter.Y Centre in all these areas, the United States, but it does the Carter Center,"said Carter. "You come where we want met we to us which we have selected and we say what we think."

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