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15 September 2010

Obama offer second return to the school address

WASHINGTON – in a PEP talk to students in the nation in back in College, President Obama laid down will tell you that nothing is always your framework blast, and if you are ready to dream big, hard work and focus on learning.

Obama deliver this message on Tuesday during his second speech back to school, this time a school of Philadelphia.

"Nobody is your goal, but write" Obama says speech, which the White House a day early, released so that people could read the comments of the President in advance and assessing the content itself.

"Your future is in your hands."Your life is, what does nothing - absolutely nothing - ella.Y is beyond their reach."When you are ready to dream grande.Siempre and if you are willing to work, provided duro.Entonces, you are ready to focus on education says. "

After the White House announced the speech last year, some conservative accused President try establishing political agenda on children some parents said that their children pull audience Obama observations to keep class.

But such protest is largely missing from this year.

Both talk urged Obama students stay in school, diligently and assume responsibility for your Ausbildung.Auch trying the students, with his slacking earlier-to motivate the life as an example.

For speech Obama says Tuesday, nothing beats, to a successful students in both your education life influence.

Types of opportunities that are open determined how much go to school"," said.In other words: The go more to school more goes in life "."

Obama, who triggered by a single mother, often before dawn before work and school, tutor says it the rose, the Government, educators and parents responsible for preparing students for successful classroom.But students have responsibilities, too, he said.

"Here is your work. To school your homework show attention on time.Pay in class.Doing. Study for exams. Stay out of danger Obama said. This kind of discipline and unit - A disk hard work - it is absolutely necessary for success".

Obama says that he knows it is true, because he always drive.

No applications for the University recalls a conversation with her mother on your sliding degrees as it was complete and how he's "casual" about his futuro.Como began to hear to tell his mother that do not need, says Obama, that its truncated, gave him a hard look and asked if he mind remembers what was put a little effort.

Obama says he was heard Deshechando that her mother.

But finally his words had their intended effect,"said. Also I seriously my estudios.hice esfuerzo.Y I started to see, my notes and my Outlook - mejorar.Y I know if hard work for me, could make the difference a difference can make."

Obama went on a Bachelor's degree of at Columbia University and a degree in law of the Harvard - two of the best schools in the nation to earn.

Obama plans, talk-this year school demonstration in Philadelphia and Julia r. Masterman Cavendish described last week to deliver Education Department Masterman achieving azul.Es Federal name as known commonly as a school band, closing schools or colleges that have improved significantly and helped to address gaps in performance among disadvantaged and minority students.

More than 90 percent of 1,150 of fünften-- Masterman on grade XII score, a caption or extended in a standardized state reading and mathematics tests won.

Last year was the Department of education also criticised for the distribution of plans, which proposed lesson with speech, including a section later changed, who asked the students to write how the President could help.

There is no plan, studies which accompanying, said the voice of this year Gannet Tseggai White House spokesperson.

Schools were not forced to air speech of the year, the speech of the President for the 2009 released at the White House, many critics support and some schools agreed Obama air discourse, after después todo.Obama pasado. a school in Arlington, va speaks...

Schools also must comments not air the President Tuesday or, although some give parents are an opportunity to take their children class during transmission.

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