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17 September 2010

Michelle Obama refuses to say the life of the first lady of France "Hell"

First Lady Michelle Obama Office and the French Embassy reported both denied Thursday that Obama once said French first lady Carla Bruni first lady of the United States as "Hell", is a new biography of Bruni in a striking statement.

"The first lady never said," said Obama Katie McCormick Lelyveld's spokesman.

"" Ms Bruni-Sarkozy distances itself from the contents of the book, "said the Embassy of France Emmanuel Lenain speakers in a statement.""Never the words said, due to the first lady of the United States".

Lenain told Fox News that transferred the message his statement at the request of the French Government.He said that he knew Obama offer is.

The British daily mail newspaper revealed the appointment in a review of "Carla and the ambitious" in Monday's editions.

"Don't ask! can I bear your infierno.Yo not!"Michelle Obama said that Bruni while a private conversation in the House during an official visit of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, in March last year said.

Bruni, former model and actress salvajemente.Ese book, allegedly worked on the book with writers who back choose Yves Derai and Michael Darmon political spouses as a push to the author of the unauthorized biography of Besma Lahouri Carla - A secret life, "was published on Wednesday.""Carla and the ambitious" is out on Friday.

Lenain says "Carla and the ambitious" was not authorized and that only the authors for your content are responsible.

Later, said the first lady "never your consent for a biographical work."

Click here the article in the daily mail in the UK, to read you.

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