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17 September 2010

White House circulates talking points from taxes to Democrats from backlash

Attempting a revolt of Democrats stop President Bush tax cuts, against the approach of Obama is the White House two memos of democratic pollsters floating around the case for keeping a chosen plan to raise taxes on wealthy Americans.

The President wants to extend the Bush tax cuts only for class average while the Republicans want to maintain constant prices in all ámbitos.Las notes poll say the Democrats in Congress are support plan despite national polls not afraid Obama, show that the public is on him deeply split.

The opinion researchers argue that the public is a majority in favour of Obama; with Democrats on the issue; maintain independent and the President plan his party approach allows for "a clear contrast drive" with the Republicans.

Poll only Geoff Garin argued that it "non-sustainable" for Republicans, the reason on linear tax relief place would be the result of a rising middle class tax is.

"" "" President Obama has as a priority for the short tax debate were articulated offers a political winner for the Democrats, because the problem in a way framed decidedly that synchronously with views and priorities of the electorate is ", wrote Garin.common sense "would in fact, anger and indignation voters against a party if it in the form of continuing middle class tax cuts is."

The memo, won by Fox News, coming as bases of the Democratic Party in both houses begin Republicans to ask the page as the tax breaks for everyone.Thirty one Democrats a letter this week to camera leadership, which in turn to leave plan Obama signed.

Although often surveys show that a majority of Americans a hike tax supports the rich, this support is not overwhelming.

An associated press-GfK poll showed that the walk support 54 percent while 44% against.

The survey stressed the face of the Democrats in the fight of impuestos.Con general tax cuts enacted year under President George w. Bush that pickle the end of politics Obama will expire, the cuts for all but who earn that make at least $ 200,000 per year and couples, $ 250,000 and up to renew.

39 Percent according to Obama, while another 15 percent say that tax cuts should allow fall for all the mundo.Sin, however, seem that many Democrats to be careful, so close on the day of the elections, 44 percent of those who say that cause the cuts the rich must contain.

To reduce for all more than four out of ten people in all regions except the United States where a third propuesta.Incluso among people back earn $ 50,000 per year – the pillars of the Democratic Party - 43 percent years during about three quarters of the Democratic Party in favor of raising taxes for the rich, half of independent and nearly two-thirds of Republicans against the idea.Soporte taxes continue the short tax for all.

Republicans say that raising taxes on the rich could suffocate you since the creation of jobs, while Obama argues that the rich have no rest and to raise their taxes 700 million US-dollar deficit of Feds would add in the next decade.

Congressional Democrats who fought from Wednesday decides what which path .House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D - Calif..., take a question about bypassed if legislators on the plan from day to day of the elections during the most leading camera Steny Hoyer, D - MD., should vote, said that it "was willing to discuss alternatives" to the question.?

A John Anzalone and mark Keida polling memo warned that "must be disciplined in your messaging very", that the message must be, says Democrats as you plan Obama public the memo sell clear that Democrats "are siding with the middle class", and Republicans are "Siding with millionaires".

Associated press contributed to this report.

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