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16 September 2010

Congress poised, campaign way before finishing to beat basic obligations of the budget

Much is confirmed a new budget Director President Obama can end less controversy that actually passed a budget.

As legislators shielded DM Jacob Lew, picking Obama that discuss the Campana temporada Thursday were Office management and budget, to exit without even a single output Bill on track to the budget of the year and was overshadowed tax rates of the year comes.

Also stressed a new round of economic figures out Thursday challenges to quickly move the country face of the Federal Government and employers in recession.

Poverty, 14.3% of Americans jumped to its highest level since 1994.Abschottung enumerating fixed RealtyTrac Inc. reported that you jumped repossessions by 25 percent over the previous year House earlier last month.New applications for the unemployed, which fell to its lowest level in two months, but still very, where would be in a healthy economy.

The U.S. trade deficit grew also level high since end of 2008 - a character, which can increase the US consumer spending, not to keep but also warns that exports can the level of us imports of competitors.

Although Congress has consisted of the total budget of the nation during the time in over a decade, November elections was medium term limited to speak more commitment.With of business and spending in the middle of the stage, legislators nervous is a new budget, Congress vote vote for increases in the gasto.ausente probably the levels, the Government to keep on current issues.

Wednesday Senator Byron Dorgan, D - birth, a member of the Committee on appropriations of the Senate, was as follows quoted that Congress cannot be to everyone of 12 bills the elevator for the forthcoming elections to vote.

Leading minority John Boehner, Republican House of Ohio, has repeatedly called for freezing rates for two years, while the expenditure bring up to the level of 2008 on Thursday said that management wants a "continuous resolution" runs last September 30, because it has no plan after departure from the economic morass of Government.

"Boehner said"not believe that the President and his economic team it get,"."The economy is struggling, jobs and all job creation in our country one of the reasons why Qué.El excessive public spending and uncertainty are the small business is crippling, and even the White House keeps both departments are piling.

Lew, candidate of Obama, Peter Orszag in OMB, a5 questions to your audience about scholar attention size Déficit.El deficit and the lack of restrict solutions how works in the economy "causes that a great fear and uncertainty" granted to replace Lew.

"" There is no silver bullet,"he warned.""Take to concerted action going".

Senator Ben Cardin, D - MD., who supported the 814 million dollars spent in February 2009 proposed stimulus package, it's time to change strategy.

"He said"We (expenditure in stimulus) always can use".""The deficit is now a drag on our economy and is part of the equation as we develop the next round of fiscal policy."

"While the United States has resisted recessions in the past, many jobs lost this times around... just not going to return," Senate Chairman of Chris Dodd, D-Conn banking., said at a hearing separately on the manipulation of the currency of China that contain the Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

Dodd, say that China policy "way clear our recovery blocks" represent has said, it is time to hard in China, which warned that it not enough - artificially undervalued currency despite the promises of the summer - your, Yuan to increase done.

"" "" China is basically what wants as we grow weaker and grow stronger, Dodd said."""Year of China could compete for American workers on equal terms as a result of the policy."

Senator Richard Shelby, R ala., ranking member on the Committee, said that Obama management became "Bark of all and not bite", by refusing to tag handle currency in China.

Geithner echoed concerns and agreed that the pace of appreciation "too slow".

With economic numbers flat at best and trade continues to fall, the decision which continue current tax rates remains limbo.Un vote to avoid taxes for all levels of income that facing opposition from Democrats who say the Government cannot afford to maintain the luxury of spending $ 700 million over the next 10 years, ingresos.Actual rates $ 4 trillion would cost current prices for high income groups more than 10 years when the expected continue increase in expenditure.

In addition, package of 30 billion dollars deletes final approval in the Senate, the jueves.Pasa next to the House before the Obama signature loans to small firms short, from a tax.

While the financial management of the Government in question, sources say leaders are the democratic House discuss business close a week, before the delay 8 October programada.Ayudantes have Senate a similar schedule change although officially the Senate is spoken still planning go four weeks before interrupt.

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