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17 September 2010

Senate approves budget for small businesses

WASHINGTON – is developed long delayed legislation to open small businesses with loans and other incentives to expand and provide new workers on the way to the Senate on Thursday passed.

Adoption of the measure, a Government of $ 30 million Fund to open credit for small businesses in hunger bipartisan credit with tax provisions help combined, would President Barack Obama and besieged win democratic allies in Congress policy much - wanted but relatively modest - with to go less than seven weeks before polling day.

"At a time when small business owners are still struggling to do billing and is still in the hand from the recruitment we together some a plan to give you tax relief and make it easy for you to take a loan," Obama said on Wednesday.

The new Fund loan would be for community to encourage banks, loans to small businesses available and proponents say that benefits should be banks able to use the background to up to $ 300 million in loans.

Loan Fund is, but by a majority of Republicans against the financial system, 2008 to save ähneln.Warnen you that it to make loans to borrowers would encourage banks, not good credit risk.

Democrats say that the action is required to small businesses to provide a credit crunch that dramatically increased two years after the financial crisis.

This legislation would small businesses also help loans for small business administration loan program costs and to increase the guarantee for loans and loan limits.

The measure has been delayed for months and Republicans followed filibustered the filibuster using two Republicans, French.George Voinovich of Ohio and George LeMieux of Florida July.But Tuesday, Democrats cracked. Sento bases for the vote on Thursday.

After the consent of the Senate Bill would camera to approve the Obama signed measuring is suitable.

Bill progresses too late to help before the date of the elections in unemployment 9.6 nationally by ciento.En score one delle successful efforts this year to make, a temporary wage and company holidays offer payroll with unemployed tax, to extend unemployment benefits and support of the Governments of hunger in cash and local school districts.

The Democrats had hoped to pass the Bill in July, but the Democrats could not win GOP converts and fell just beat a filibuster, who called Democrats, Republicans offers independent changes.

Cuts taxes for small businesses in the draft law breaks for owners of restaurants and transform retail business or building include other larger nuevos.Negocios could again faster the cost of capital improvements to the Abschreibung.Investoren would long term in some small companies exempted from the payment of capital gains taxes.

The measure would also the owners of small to the cost of health insurance for themselves and their families 2010 allow self-employment tax business, but only for the fiscal year deduction.

Much of the Bill would help by taxpayers 401(k) retirement accounts and Government in Roth accounts in which pay in advance tax paid for about money, Duty-Free sales make withdraw once you retire, so.

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