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Cash-Out Refinance For many, their homes are just not dwellings that protect them against rain, sun, and wind. But they are piggy banks, which can be used to raise some urgent money, even if the home still lays collateral...

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Home Purchase Loan We all dream to own a home, at some point in our lives. In fact, this is a major driving force or one of the goals we have ahead while working day and night and saving a good share of the earnings every...

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15 September 2010

White House sends high-dollar issue requests to Congress

WASHINGTON – Obama administration is a list of purchases in their allies Democrats in Congress when preparing legislation to the Government next month avoid closure needs to pass in the run-up to elections.

The Republican protest requirements for expenditure grants for school financial aid for the service of the post and over $ 4 billion by the Administration requested will fund settlements long-standing claims against the Government $ 1.9 billion.

Surround back after number Republican sets the label price Obama applications in more than $ 25 million, including $ 5.7 billion, the deficit in popular program grant Pell and $ 5.5 million to prevent strapped the postal for cash.

The White House is aimed at a Bill to fund the Government pass continues to the end on June 30 at year-end is necessary because the Congress fails to pass bills of annual expenditure to the day-to-day operations of requesting Government financing, public prosecutor, measure gastos.La.

Such stopgap funding bills are usually not the controversial legislation or important initiatives which the provisional measure gastos.Pero is the latest measure absolutely, has to pass Congress before the elections, and therefore a tempting destination on the Add unfinished.

"Obama management, Speaker Pelosi and democratic leaders will try and use this (provisional law project) as a ' Ave Maria ' spend more items of expenditure and Government in a frenetic last indent before the elections", said Congressman Jerry Lewis, R California.

Management wants to see also parts, the measurement of the economic stimulus of the previous year to renew maintenance subsidies to the States including $ 800 million for child.

Some of the proposals, including $ 1.2 million to the discrimination by the Ministry of Agriculture of black farmers and $ 3.4 million for mismanaging Indian trust funds, to resolve to the Parliament and the Senate at the beginning of this year as part of the largest law, but because of cost concerns were removed.

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