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18 September 2010

Obama name Elizabeth Warren post consumer

WASHINGTON – Obama President Wall Street critical Elizabeth Warren nominated, as a Special Advisor to the creation of a new Office for the protection of consumers, to monitor, an official said the democratic Wednesday.

Warren would report to the Treasury management and the white paper that 61 year require no confirmation of the consumer Defender Senado.El - had old Harvard University and Professor House takes into account the main candidate at the head of the Office itself, but its lack of support in the financial community might have laid the foundations for contentious hearings in the Senate, which ultimately have derailed his confirmation.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to a formal announcement.

The White House officials would not confirm the appointment, but Obama spokesman of Robert Gibbs, said that an announcement could be done this week.

Long during Obama a friend and supporter of Warren, was the potential dangers of appointment a polarizing figure in the middle of an election year heated.

"" I worried am the Senate on all candidates these days,"Obama, said during a press conference last week.""I have people who have waited for six months always confirmed that nobody against voted an official objection unanimously by the Committee, and I can't get a vote on you."

The Bureau of consumer law, the regulation of the financial Obama created under the draft signed the law at this Year.it have broad powers to enforce credit cards and other financial products financed by the Federal Reserve rules, the mortgages.

The new Office would consolidate, consumer protection tasks now spread across several agencies reguladores.La Financial Regulation Act grants the Department of Treasury authority run consumer protection desk, while the appointment of the Director is pending.

The law says the Secretary of finance transfer these roles to the new Office within one year, but give latitude another six months to finish creating the Agencia.Eso means Warren could, potentially, his new duties in 2012 to seek.

""Much would like to see your address that organismo.Exactamente in whatever form is less important to me than what you doing"said Republic Barney Frank, D-mass., President of the Commission on financial services House, the associated press on Wednesday.""If someone told me that easily could confirm a candidate for this job, I think it is a disqualification".

A liberal group head for Warren to do the work top consumers have been campaigns has welcomed the news but added caution.

"If this quote is show controls the window and (the Treasury) Tim Geithner, it would be a disappointment and a victory for Wall Street," said Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of progressive change campaign Committee.

Warren has served as head of the Congressional Oversight Group Management Division of Treasury Bank amounting to $ 700 billion to fund saving monitoring, known as the asset relief program Troubled.A times has money clashed with the treasure on your Committee and conclusions on the use of the tarp.

However, after the 10 September Warren intervened since working on the latest group, a sign that the new post treasure was possible.

Pending appointment news first reported by ABC.

It is not clear whether Obama that, this week work to appoint intends to permanent Director also one.

Other than candidate the Agency directly mentioned are Michael Barr, a Secretary of the Treasury, who was an architect of regulatory plans administration and Eugene Kimmelman, Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Division of the Department of Justice Antitrust.

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