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16 September 2010

Democrats, Republicans spar on ethics in research on embryonic stem cells

Democrats in the Senate instead of fundamental moral to allow federal funding of embryonic stem cell research at a hearing on Thursday comes a week after appeal court temporarily a judge on federal funding ban lifted.

"We have a moral responsibility for further research on embryonic stem cells," said Senator Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, President of the labour, health and social services, education and related agencies Subcommittee by adding the method in the fight against an array of debilitating diseases is vital.

Harkin refers to the decision of last week by a US Court appeal to temporarily lift a judge of the federal research funding ban until it essentially the argument of the Obama administration against the ban rules.

He blasted ruling by us district judge decided that embryonic stem cell research violated federal law because it was destroyed human embryos Royce Lambeth last month.

"Out of the blue," Harkin said, "puts a cloud of uncertainty over this field Lambeth...."

"" We have gone far to now, giving up "said.""If you need to win this battle in the courts, in Congress take."

Thursday Committee convened a panel of senior scientists and researchers to discuss scientific promise of the campo including the national institutes of Health Director Francis Collins,. tambiƩn warned the Lambeth judgment.

Collins said that "this field in a precarious position was axial has" and warned that "patients can keep have hope reset".

Collins had argued before the Subcommittee that embryonic stem cells are of fundamental importance in the fight against diseases of the heart, diabetes, Parkinson, visual disturbances and spinal cord injury.

But the Republican Senator from Mississippi Roger Wicker, declared as a witness at the hearing, said that foetal tissue for research on stem cell research raises "a profound moral and ethical challenges."

Widely, money argued against the use of taxpayers Fund it.

"" It's a matter of conscience for me, but a question of conscience for millions of Americans, most importantly,"said.""The question is whether the Federal Government should be subsidies."

Wicker proposed that scientists "reprogram" adult stem cells - which had been largely successful in the treatment of various medical conditions "as embryonic stem cells".

"" Adult stem cells are the ones who now try people,"said wicker.""An estimated 50,000 adult stem cell transplantation are produced each year worldwide."

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