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18 September 2010

Order of the United States to release Guantanamo of prisoner's struggle

WASHINGTON – calls us Court of appeals, dragging the order of a judge of to accused recruiting the abductors of 11 States, inmate confessed you during the abusive interrogation of Guantánamo.

Commission 9 / 11, that the activities of the Government before and after September 11, 2001, attacks, born Ould Salahi examines described in his report as a significant operational, Al-Qaeda responsible how hijackers to Afghanistan to get to the Saints to train war.

Salahi found free of charge for eight years in Guantánamo and stays there and lawyers discussed his release before three judges of the Court of appeals in United States in Washington Friday.

District Judge James Robertson ruled us this year that the evidence against Salahi "is subject of restraint and abuse" and is based on classified information, which could support no law enforcement.

"If the Government depends on declarations of Salahi itself, but the reliability of these statements most of you now retired by Salahi, is largely questioned," wrote the judge in his order.

The US Department of Justice lawyers argue SALAHI was an Al Qaeda recruiters in October 1999, Ramzi bin promoted to the Shibh, Marwan al the Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah to unirse.Al Shehhi and Jarrah was two of the hijackers and am to Shibh, helped coordinate the September 11 plot and now faces trial.

SALAHI, born in 1970, he gave to that while he was student of electrical engineering at the University of Duisberg in Germany in 1990, travelled to Afghanistan and educated, to a holy war against the Communists to Kämpfen.argumentiert, that you fight of Al-Qaeda in the year 1992 links before the organization directed against us.

He was arrested in his home country Mauritania 18 days after the terrorist attacks at the 11 2001.Sus lawyers say was sent to Jordan and mistreated in eight months Bagram Air field in Afghanistan, transfer and finally to Guantánamo in 2002.

Robertson said that SALAHI, "abuse large and heavy" Guantánamo since June 2003 September subject to was in 2003.

Robertson said that in the coercive interrogation, Salahi, confessed organise excursions to some of the 9 / 11 hijackers and its support justifies.. .but as "fair" Jihad later action said nothing more than to bin the Shibh and his friends, the kidnappers, accommodations for one night, two years before the attacks.

SALAHI admits that he in touch with friends, who was Al-Qaeda was loading including his brother-in-law who am a high spiritual consultant continue.

While the evidence shows that it was Al-Qaeda in Salahi to a supporter, sporadic gave its members to support Salahi, he would not let be detained suspected that he might be a terrorist after its launch indefinitely, said Robertson.


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