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16 September 2010

Bill Clinton: Republican, Bush look liberal

Former President Bill Clinton said MINNEAPOLIS - on Tuesday that the Republican party "Ideology on the evidence" is comprehensive and pushing pragmatic vote, his successor in the White House would make a liberal seems to be.

Clinton, speaking at a fundraiser in Minneapolis, democratic says, there are confused, the Republicans have far right and question asked if former President George w. Bush between the party would fit this year.

"A lot their candidates today make it look like a Liberal," Clinton told a crowd in a hotel in the Centre of the city impressed as he campaigned for the Democratic candidate for Governor Mark Dayton.

Clinton drew the influence of the GOP tea party movement.

"The tea party poder.Esto abuse now publicly is trader for private abuse of power, protest was", said Clinton, as a candidate supported by the tea party explains was like the winners on Tuesday evening in primary Republican to the United States Delaware competitive

The former President was to support in Minnesota Dayton, candidate for Governor of Minnesota.Los organizer claimed donations between $ 100 and $ 1,000.

Dayton faces Republican State Representative Tom Emmer and the independence party candidate Tom Horner.

Member of the Democratic Party elected Governor of Minnesota for 24 years.

In a statement before the event pairing the Clinton Dayton, pointing out, Minnesota GOP ridiculed President Tony Sutton as President Clinton famous declared "is the era of big government about".

But former Senator Mark Dayton has spent his entire career 30 years, the questions for more Government, higher taxes and more of the status quo, said Sutton.

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