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Home Purchase Loan We all dream to own a home, at some point in our lives. In fact, this is a major driving force or one of the goals we have ahead while working day and night and saving a good share of the earnings every...

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18 September 2010

L.A.: $ 111 M in stimulus jobs stored only 55

More than a year after Congress passed the stimulus $ 800 million in the Fund, Los Angeles City controller published a report of 40 pages about how the city spends its share and the results are not meet the expectations.

"" I am disappointed that only we have set up or the 55 jobs get keep $ 111 million ", said Wendy Greuel, controller of the city."With our local rate unemployment over 12 percent that we do a better job to bureaucracy and Angelenos cut back in work brought".

In accordance with the test went Los Angeles Public Works Department change $ 70 million in funds incentive - had created seven jobs in the private sector and seven workers from despidos.Contribuyente saved costs per order: $ 1.5 million.

The Department of transport Los Angeles or fewer jobs per dollar expenditure of $ 40 million, but only nine jobs in compensation geschaffen.Mitwirkender cost per job: $ 4.4 million.

Abomination blamed the sad points to several factors:

1 Red tape: four road projects which do not even go offer up to seven months after you are approved.

(2) Projects, had to be the tender notices in the private sector, were instead joined the workers of the city.

3. The stimulus money was not properly within tracked by departments.

4. Both departments can not report created and managed in a timely manner jobs.

"" Perhaps a degree of a B-on job creation, I would say "said abomination Fox News.""You have begun to spend the dollars, but in the city, we must move quickly and in the same usual bureaucratic fuera.Creemos took seven months to some of those contracts."

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