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19 September 2010

Clinton is Brown, a former rival campaign.

Former President Bill Clinton will campaign for the Democratic candidate for Governor Jerry Brown that next month in what will be a show of unity between the last political rivals.

Brown's campaign announced visit Clinton Friday, less than a week before Brown apologized for the question of the honesty and imitate their relationship with the White House Monica Lewinsky internally.

In a statement released Friday Brown says the Clinton campaign and the Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom, who is running for Lieutenant Governor awaits with interest.

Clinton, helped Brown and early this week, is expected to both candidates on October 15 and 17 October advertising campaign.

A spokesman for the Clinton refused an opinion, refer questions to Brown campaign.

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Obama support name of consumers Warren on new post

President Barack Obama Wall Street critic Elizabeth Warren Special Adviser called on Friday and entrusted with setting up a new agency looking to consumers in dealing with banks, mortgage banks and other financial institutions.

Call Warren "one of the toughest of the country for SMEs", says Obama would ensure financial consumer protection Office to stop abusive practices.

"More and more people confused or deceived hardly understandable fine as pages found in arrangements for mortgages loans for students or credit cards," he said next to Warren and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at the White House rose garden.

Obama accredited Warren, to develop the concept of the new agency for consumer and said, ", which only makes sense that you must be the architect."

Obama not to appoint Warren was Director of the Office without embargo.En in instead, he creates a role that can to avoid a long confirmation with the Republicans in the Senate as much criticism of Wall Street and the big bancos.El business will come and the banking community against Warren as Director struggle, argue that it would be Agency too aggressive.

Warren designed the Advisory had while long discussions with White House officials.

The Harvard Professor 61 years old can immediately take your tasks leader who put a team of officials of the Treasury already the basis for the mesa.Obama said Warren finally help to point to the agency head.

Bypass issues White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, whether Warren, even in the post of Director March, would be only to say "the President appoints Director and Elizabeth be instrumental in filling this position".

Regulation create financial Act, that is to run the authority of the Department of the Treasury Office, while the appointment of the Director is pendiente.La Office no rules, credit cards or to limit mortgage power writes until he accepts to other agencies

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White House: Palin could be presidential race testing

The President of Barack Obama spokesman that he believes that Sarah Palin at Iowa goes, the water for a possible presidential elections to test.

Robert Gibbs's spokesman reporters on Friday that this is the time of year when the head, to evaluate the politically important state the likelihood a campaign of candidates Palin in Iowa stop Friday appears designed potenciales.Dice, is to do just that.

Palin will speak at the dinner the Reagan in Des Moines, the Republican Party of Iowa's largest fundraiser.

Gibbs, said it was clear that Palin can very conservative to meet members of the Republican base and you can now "more formidable strength" in the GOP.

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18 September 2010

Former President Carter said Senator Kennedy delay health years ago

WASHINGTON – says Jimmy Carter, that comprehensive American health care might cover, to when Ted Kennedy a proposed action plan of Carter who had blocked not decades at the White House.

The former President made the comment in an interview with CBS '60 minutes", which broadcast domingo.Partes interview published on the website show Thursday.

In the interview, Carter Kennedy "Deliberation blocking" blames health of comprehensive legislation proposed by Carter.

Kennedy, the one who most valuable health care reform causes died cancer cerebro.El Massachusetts Senator in August 2009 challenged, Carter for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1980, but fell corto.Kennedy and Carter had plans in the competition was health care reform.

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L.A.: $ 111 M in stimulus jobs stored only 55

More than a year after Congress passed the stimulus $ 800 million in the Fund, Los Angeles City controller published a report of 40 pages about how the city spends its share and the results are not meet the expectations.

"" I am disappointed that only we have set up or the 55 jobs get keep $ 111 million ", said Wendy Greuel, controller of the city."With our local rate unemployment over 12 percent that we do a better job to bureaucracy and Angelenos cut back in work brought".

In accordance with the test went Los Angeles Public Works Department change $ 70 million in funds incentive - had created seven jobs in the private sector and seven workers from despidos.Contribuyente saved costs per order: $ 1.5 million.

The Department of transport Los Angeles or fewer jobs per dollar expenditure of $ 40 million, but only nine jobs in compensation geschaffen.Mitwirkender cost per job: $ 4.4 million.

Abomination blamed the sad points to several factors:

1 Red tape: four road projects which do not even go offer up to seven months after you are approved.

(2) Projects, had to be the tender notices in the private sector, were instead joined the workers of the city.

3. The stimulus money was not properly within tracked by departments.

4. Both departments can not report created and managed in a timely manner jobs.

"" Perhaps a degree of a B-on job creation, I would say "said abomination Fox News.""You have begun to spend the dollars, but in the city, we must move quickly and in the same usual bureaucratic fuera.Creemos took seven months to some of those contracts."

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Order of the United States to release Guantanamo of prisoner's struggle

WASHINGTON – calls us Court of appeals, dragging the order of a judge of to accused recruiting the abductors of 11 States, inmate confessed you during the abusive interrogation of Guantánamo.

Commission 9 / 11, that the activities of the Government before and after September 11, 2001, attacks, born Ould Salahi examines described in his report as a significant operational, Al-Qaeda responsible how hijackers to Afghanistan to get to the Saints to train war.

Salahi found free of charge for eight years in Guantánamo and stays there and lawyers discussed his release before three judges of the Court of appeals in United States in Washington Friday.

District Judge James Robertson ruled us this year that the evidence against Salahi "is subject of restraint and abuse" and is based on classified information, which could support no law enforcement.

"If the Government depends on declarations of Salahi itself, but the reliability of these statements most of you now retired by Salahi, is largely questioned," wrote the judge in his order.

The US Department of Justice lawyers argue SALAHI was an Al Qaeda recruiters in October 1999, Ramzi bin promoted to the Shibh, Marwan al the Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah to unirse.Al Shehhi and Jarrah was two of the hijackers and am to Shibh, helped coordinate the September 11 plot and now faces trial.

SALAHI, born in 1970, he gave to that while he was student of electrical engineering at the University of Duisberg in Germany in 1990, travelled to Afghanistan and educated, to a holy war against the Communists to Kämpfen.argumentiert, that you fight of Al-Qaeda in the year 1992 links before the organization directed against us.

He was arrested in his home country Mauritania 18 days after the terrorist attacks at the 11 2001.Sus lawyers say was sent to Jordan and mistreated in eight months Bagram Air field in Afghanistan, transfer and finally to Guantánamo in 2002.

Robertson said that SALAHI, "abuse large and heavy" Guantánamo since June 2003 September subject to was in 2003.

Robertson said that in the coercive interrogation, Salahi, confessed organise excursions to some of the 9 / 11 hijackers and its support justifies.. .but as "fair" Jihad later action said nothing more than to bin the Shibh and his friends, the kidnappers, accommodations for one night, two years before the attacks.

SALAHI admits that he in touch with friends, who was Al-Qaeda was loading including his brother-in-law who am a high spiritual consultant continue.

While the evidence shows that it was Al-Qaeda in Salahi to a supporter, sporadic gave its members to support Salahi, he would not let be detained suspected that he might be a terrorist after its launch indefinitely, said Robertson.


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Obama name Elizabeth Warren post consumer

WASHINGTON – Obama President Wall Street critical Elizabeth Warren nominated, as a Special Advisor to the creation of a new Office for the protection of consumers, to monitor, an official said the democratic Wednesday.

Warren would report to the Treasury management and the white paper that 61 year require no confirmation of the consumer Defender Senado.El - had old Harvard University and Professor House takes into account the main candidate at the head of the Office itself, but its lack of support in the financial community might have laid the foundations for contentious hearings in the Senate, which ultimately have derailed his confirmation.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to a formal announcement.

The White House officials would not confirm the appointment, but Obama spokesman of Robert Gibbs, said that an announcement could be done this week.

Long during Obama a friend and supporter of Warren, was the potential dangers of appointment a polarizing figure in the middle of an election year heated.

"" I worried am the Senate on all candidates these days,"Obama, said during a press conference last week.""I have people who have waited for six months always confirmed that nobody against voted an official objection unanimously by the Committee, and I can't get a vote on you."

The Bureau of consumer law, the regulation of the financial Obama created under the draft signed the law at this Year.it have broad powers to enforce credit cards and other financial products financed by the Federal Reserve rules, the mortgages.

The new Office would consolidate, consumer protection tasks now spread across several agencies reguladores.La Financial Regulation Act grants the Department of Treasury authority run consumer protection desk, while the appointment of the Director is pending.

The law says the Secretary of finance transfer these roles to the new Office within one year, but give latitude another six months to finish creating the Agencia.Eso means Warren could, potentially, his new duties in 2012 to seek.

""Much would like to see your address that organismo.Exactamente in whatever form is less important to me than what you doing"said Republic Barney Frank, D-mass., President of the Commission on financial services House, the associated press on Wednesday.""If someone told me that easily could confirm a candidate for this job, I think it is a disqualification".

A liberal group head for Warren to do the work top consumers have been campaigns has welcomed the news but added caution.

"If this quote is show controls the window and (the Treasury) Tim Geithner, it would be a disappointment and a victory for Wall Street," said Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of progressive change campaign Committee.

Warren has served as head of the Congressional Oversight Group Management Division of Treasury Bank amounting to $ 700 billion to fund saving monitoring, known as the asset relief program Troubled.A times has money clashed with the treasure on your Committee and conclusions on the use of the tarp.

However, after the 10 September Warren intervened since working on the latest group, a sign that the new post treasure was possible.

Pending appointment news first reported by ABC.

It is not clear whether Obama that, this week work to appoint intends to permanent Director also one.

Other than candidate the Agency directly mentioned are Michael Barr, a Secretary of the Treasury, who was an architect of regulatory plans administration and Eugene Kimmelman, Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Division of the Department of Justice Antitrust.

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17 September 2010

Senate approves budget for small businesses

WASHINGTON – is developed long delayed legislation to open small businesses with loans and other incentives to expand and provide new workers on the way to the Senate on Thursday passed.

Adoption of the measure, a Government of $ 30 million Fund to open credit for small businesses in hunger bipartisan credit with tax provisions help combined, would President Barack Obama and besieged win democratic allies in Congress policy much - wanted but relatively modest - with to go less than seven weeks before polling day.

"At a time when small business owners are still struggling to do billing and is still in the hand from the recruitment we together some a plan to give you tax relief and make it easy for you to take a loan," Obama said on Wednesday.

The new Fund loan would be for community to encourage banks, loans to small businesses available and proponents say that benefits should be banks able to use the background to up to $ 300 million in loans.

Loan Fund is, but by a majority of Republicans against the financial system, 2008 to save ähneln.Warnen you that it to make loans to borrowers would encourage banks, not good credit risk.

Democrats say that the action is required to small businesses to provide a credit crunch that dramatically increased two years after the financial crisis.

This legislation would small businesses also help loans for small business administration loan program costs and to increase the guarantee for loans and loan limits.

The measure has been delayed for months and Republicans followed filibustered the filibuster using two Republicans, French.George Voinovich of Ohio and George LeMieux of Florida July.But Tuesday, Democrats cracked. Sento bases for the vote on Thursday.

After the consent of the Senate Bill would camera to approve the Obama signed measuring is suitable.

Bill progresses too late to help before the date of the elections in unemployment 9.6 nationally by ciento.En score one delle successful efforts this year to make, a temporary wage and company holidays offer payroll with unemployed tax, to extend unemployment benefits and support of the Governments of hunger in cash and local school districts.

The Democrats had hoped to pass the Bill in July, but the Democrats could not win GOP converts and fell just beat a filibuster, who called Democrats, Republicans offers independent changes.

Cuts taxes for small businesses in the draft law breaks for owners of restaurants and transform retail business or building include other larger nuevos.Negocios could again faster the cost of capital improvements to the Abschreibung.Investoren would long term in some small companies exempted from the payment of capital gains taxes.

The measure would also the owners of small to the cost of health insurance for themselves and their families 2010 allow self-employment tax business, but only for the fiscal year deduction.

Much of the Bill would help by taxpayers 401(k) retirement accounts and Government in Roth accounts in which pay in advance tax paid for about money, Duty-Free sales make withdraw once you retire, so.

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A field ready Senate to approve the Treaty of nuclear weapons

WASHINGTON – seems Panel Senate likely recommend that the full Senate ratified a Treaty of U.S.-Russian nuclear arms control.

It is not certain that Democrats vote or the time for a full Senate this year to stimmen.aber hopes passage this week Committee improved it to unterstützen.Der a second Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee seemed likely, was Thursday vote.

Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the Treaty in abril podría reduce the limit of strategic warheads to 1,550 for each country, down from the current ceiling of 2,200.They can also changes the current procedures, two countries examine the arsenals of the other and verify compliance with implement.

The Treaty has faced the Republican opposition, but received a boost from a member of the Commission, Tennessee Corker of Republican Sen.Bob plug if was directed on the building an amendment of Committee of ranking Republican, Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana that supports Republican support for the Treaty offered.

Some Republicans say that the Pact not establish appropriate procedures to ensure that Russia keeps its Términos. también fear that Moscow could use Treaty, to limit U.S. missile defense plans.

Many Republicans are also bind support Obama management guarantees the Democrats press more money, maintaining and improving the existing nuclear warheads.

Democrats have previously a vote delayed the Commission on the Treaty support seeking broader members Republicans, have pushed the dynamics relating to the final ratification by pleno.Los Senate to build delays the issue on the political season before the parliamentary elections in November.

The White House and democratic allies in Congress this time say it is still to discuss the Treaty and to hold a vote before the elections or a quick session after and before the newly elected lawmakers in January took office.

The management has the contract as a success of the company and a sign that their efforts were fruto.fracaso to improve relations with Russia to ratify the Treaty or a long delay would be a major setback of foreign policy noted.

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White House circulates talking points from taxes to Democrats from backlash

Attempting a revolt of Democrats stop President Bush tax cuts, against the approach of Obama is the White House two memos of democratic pollsters floating around the case for keeping a chosen plan to raise taxes on wealthy Americans.

The President wants to extend the Bush tax cuts only for class average while the Republicans want to maintain constant prices in all ámbitos.Las notes poll say the Democrats in Congress are support plan despite national polls not afraid Obama, show that the public is on him deeply split.

The opinion researchers argue that the public is a majority in favour of Obama; with Democrats on the issue; maintain independent and the President plan his party approach allows for "a clear contrast drive" with the Republicans.

Poll only Geoff Garin argued that it "non-sustainable" for Republicans, the reason on linear tax relief place would be the result of a rising middle class tax is.

"" "" President Obama has as a priority for the short tax debate were articulated offers a political winner for the Democrats, because the problem in a way framed decidedly that synchronously with views and priorities of the electorate is ", wrote Garin.common sense "would in fact, anger and indignation voters against a party if it in the form of continuing middle class tax cuts is."

The memo, won by Fox News, coming as bases of the Democratic Party in both houses begin Republicans to ask the page as the tax breaks for everyone.Thirty one Democrats a letter this week to camera leadership, which in turn to leave plan Obama signed.

Although often surveys show that a majority of Americans a hike tax supports the rich, this support is not overwhelming.

An associated press-GfK poll showed that the walk support 54 percent while 44% against.

The survey stressed the face of the Democrats in the fight of impuestos.Con general tax cuts enacted year under President George w. Bush that pickle the end of politics Obama will expire, the cuts for all but who earn that make at least $ 200,000 per year and couples, $ 250,000 and up to renew.

39 Percent according to Obama, while another 15 percent say that tax cuts should allow fall for all the mundo.Sin, however, seem that many Democrats to be careful, so close on the day of the elections, 44 percent of those who say that cause the cuts the rich must contain.

To reduce for all more than four out of ten people in all regions except the United States where a third propuesta.Incluso among people back earn $ 50,000 per year – the pillars of the Democratic Party - 43 percent years during about three quarters of the Democratic Party in favor of raising taxes for the rich, half of independent and nearly two-thirds of Republicans against the idea.Soporte taxes continue the short tax for all.

Republicans say that raising taxes on the rich could suffocate you since the creation of jobs, while Obama argues that the rich have no rest and to raise their taxes 700 million US-dollar deficit of Feds would add in the next decade.

Congressional Democrats who fought from Wednesday decides what which path .House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D - Calif..., take a question about bypassed if legislators on the plan from day to day of the elections during the most leading camera Steny Hoyer, D - MD., should vote, said that it "was willing to discuss alternatives" to the question.?

A John Anzalone and mark Keida polling memo warned that "must be disciplined in your messaging very", that the message must be, says Democrats as you plan Obama public the memo sell clear that Democrats "are siding with the middle class", and Republicans are "Siding with millionaires".

Associated press contributed to this report.

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Michelle Obama refuses to say the life of the first lady of France "Hell"

First Lady Michelle Obama Office and the French Embassy reported both denied Thursday that Obama once said French first lady Carla Bruni first lady of the United States as "Hell", is a new biography of Bruni in a striking statement.

"The first lady never said," said Obama Katie McCormick Lelyveld's spokesman.

"" Ms Bruni-Sarkozy distances itself from the contents of the book, "said the Embassy of France Emmanuel Lenain speakers in a statement.""Never the words said, due to the first lady of the United States".

Lenain told Fox News that transferred the message his statement at the request of the French Government.He said that he knew Obama offer is.

The British daily mail newspaper revealed the appointment in a review of "Carla and the ambitious" in Monday's editions.

"Don't ask! can I bear your infierno.Yo not!"Michelle Obama said that Bruni while a private conversation in the House during an official visit of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, in March last year said.

Bruni, former model and actress salvajemente.Ese book, allegedly worked on the book with writers who back choose Yves Derai and Michael Darmon political spouses as a push to the author of the unauthorized biography of Besma Lahouri Carla - A secret life, "was published on Wednesday.""Carla and the ambitious" is out on Friday.

Lenain says "Carla and the ambitious" was not authorized and that only the authors for your content are responsible.

Later, said the first lady "never your consent for a biographical work."

Click here the article in the daily mail in the UK, to read you.

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16 September 2010

Democrats, Republicans spar on ethics in research on embryonic stem cells

Democrats in the Senate instead of fundamental moral to allow federal funding of embryonic stem cell research at a hearing on Thursday comes a week after appeal court temporarily a judge on federal funding ban lifted.

"We have a moral responsibility for further research on embryonic stem cells," said Senator Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, President of the labour, health and social services, education and related agencies Subcommittee by adding the method in the fight against an array of debilitating diseases is vital.

Harkin refers to the decision of last week by a US Court appeal to temporarily lift a judge of the federal research funding ban until it essentially the argument of the Obama administration against the ban rules.

He blasted ruling by us district judge decided that embryonic stem cell research violated federal law because it was destroyed human embryos Royce Lambeth last month.

"Out of the blue," Harkin said, "puts a cloud of uncertainty over this field Lambeth...."

"" We have gone far to now, giving up "said.""If you need to win this battle in the courts, in Congress take."

Thursday Committee convened a panel of senior scientists and researchers to discuss scientific promise of the campo including the national institutes of Health Director Francis Collins,. también warned the Lambeth judgment.

Collins said that "this field in a precarious position was axial has" and warned that "patients can keep have hope reset".

Collins had argued before the Subcommittee that embryonic stem cells are of fundamental importance in the fight against diseases of the heart, diabetes, Parkinson, visual disturbances and spinal cord injury.

But the Republican Senator from Mississippi Roger Wicker, declared as a witness at the hearing, said that foetal tissue for research on stem cell research raises "a profound moral and ethical challenges."

Widely, money argued against the use of taxpayers Fund it.

"" It's a matter of conscience for me, but a question of conscience for millions of Americans, most importantly,"said.""The question is whether the Federal Government should be subsidies."

Wicker proposed that scientists "reprogram" adult stem cells - which had been largely successful in the treatment of various medical conditions "as embryonic stem cells".

"" Adult stem cells are the ones who now try people,"said wicker.""An estimated 50,000 adult stem cell transplantation are produced each year worldwide."

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Congress poised, campaign way before finishing to beat basic obligations of the budget

Much is confirmed a new budget Director President Obama can end less controversy that actually passed a budget.

As legislators shielded DM Jacob Lew, picking Obama that discuss the Campana temporada Thursday were Office management and budget, to exit without even a single output Bill on track to the budget of the year and was overshadowed tax rates of the year comes.

Also stressed a new round of economic figures out Thursday challenges to quickly move the country face of the Federal Government and employers in recession.

Poverty, 14.3% of Americans jumped to its highest level since 1994.Abschottung enumerating fixed RealtyTrac Inc. reported that you jumped repossessions by 25 percent over the previous year House earlier last month.New applications for the unemployed, which fell to its lowest level in two months, but still very, where would be in a healthy economy.

The U.S. trade deficit grew also level high since end of 2008 - a character, which can increase the US consumer spending, not to keep but also warns that exports can the level of us imports of competitors.

Although Congress has consisted of the total budget of the nation during the time in over a decade, November elections was medium term limited to speak more commitment.With of business and spending in the middle of the stage, legislators nervous is a new budget, Congress vote vote for increases in the gasto.ausente probably the levels, the Government to keep on current issues.

Wednesday Senator Byron Dorgan, D - birth, a member of the Committee on appropriations of the Senate, was as follows quoted that Congress cannot be to everyone of 12 bills the elevator for the forthcoming elections to vote.

Leading minority John Boehner, Republican House of Ohio, has repeatedly called for freezing rates for two years, while the expenditure bring up to the level of 2008 on Thursday said that management wants a "continuous resolution" runs last September 30, because it has no plan after departure from the economic morass of Government.

"Boehner said"not believe that the President and his economic team it get,"."The economy is struggling, jobs and all job creation in our country one of the reasons why Qué.El excessive public spending and uncertainty are the small business is crippling, and even the White House keeps both departments are piling.

Lew, candidate of Obama, Peter Orszag in OMB, a5 questions to your audience about scholar attention size Déficit.El deficit and the lack of restrict solutions how works in the economy "causes that a great fear and uncertainty" granted to replace Lew.

"" There is no silver bullet,"he warned.""Take to concerted action going".

Senator Ben Cardin, D - MD., who supported the 814 million dollars spent in February 2009 proposed stimulus package, it's time to change strategy.

"He said"We (expenditure in stimulus) always can use".""The deficit is now a drag on our economy and is part of the equation as we develop the next round of fiscal policy."

"While the United States has resisted recessions in the past, many jobs lost this times around... just not going to return," Senate Chairman of Chris Dodd, D-Conn banking., said at a hearing separately on the manipulation of the currency of China that contain the Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

Dodd, say that China policy "way clear our recovery blocks" represent has said, it is time to hard in China, which warned that it not enough - artificially undervalued currency despite the promises of the summer - your, Yuan to increase done.

"" "" China is basically what wants as we grow weaker and grow stronger, Dodd said."""Year of China could compete for American workers on equal terms as a result of the policy."

Senator Richard Shelby, R ala., ranking member on the Committee, said that Obama management became "Bark of all and not bite", by refusing to tag handle currency in China.

Geithner echoed concerns and agreed that the pace of appreciation "too slow".

With economic numbers flat at best and trade continues to fall, the decision which continue current tax rates remains limbo.Un vote to avoid taxes for all levels of income that facing opposition from Democrats who say the Government cannot afford to maintain the luxury of spending $ 700 million over the next 10 years, ingresos.Actual rates $ 4 trillion would cost current prices for high income groups more than 10 years when the expected continue increase in expenditure.

In addition, package of 30 billion dollars deletes final approval in the Senate, the jueves.Pasa next to the House before the Obama signature loans to small firms short, from a tax.

While the financial management of the Government in question, sources say leaders are the democratic House discuss business close a week, before the delay 8 October programada.Ayudantes have Senate a similar schedule change although officially the Senate is spoken still planning go four weeks before interrupt.

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Carter says that North Korea mission prisoner's request

ATLANTA - former President Jimmy Carter said on Tuesday that the release of an American prisoner to him wait in August are treated the first impulse could lead to a peace on the peninsula-Seis Nación talks.

Carter who had taken place as he crossed the country from China privately he worked five weeks and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs prior to travel for free Aijalon Gomes, 31, to get permission from the White House said January 25 reasons desconocidas. Había to eight years hard labor been condemned.

It would be the only, if you share Carter came for the prisoners, the former President said in his first public statements from his trip to the country told North Korean officials.

"" We cannot communicate with North Korea so called and asked me to come for Mr Gomes, the Democratic Governor of Georgia, had "said during a discussion on the Carter Center.""Said go nobody except me würde.Offensichtlich wanted to go back."

Carter would say if he met the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, but officials want talks to reanudar.Dijo met with leaders, told him, "were eager to have to the Denuclearization of Peninsula peace talks and u.s. lead a permanent peace and South Korea".

Prestigious for long enmity between the two countries the North Korea.Met with President Kim Il Sung late in his last visit to Pyongyang 1994 in a cordial meeting led to an agreement of nuclear disarmament hito.El North Korean leader died weeks later.

"You really worship me a way, the last person that meets with Kim Il-sung, before passed," said the former President.

"" We met us with some unwanted people, some emitted the international diplomatic circles, ", said. But are those who can solve problems with unjustified war or the abuse of human rights.

Carter, who traveled to China, a week after your visit, said that it expected would initiate launch Gomes peace talks talks.China has hosted since 2002 but went North Korea last year to protest of international condemnation for his long-range missile test.

"" I think that it would be accepted in the political environment in the world,"said.""Do some strange things because you do not understand".

Carter said that those medical had been determined that Gomes, Boston, treated "excellent" during his seven months in prison and that the North Korean officials his own cell prison gab.auch, said that Gomes got his own hospital room in the capital, Pyongyang, once tried him to kill, but he not developed.

Did not accept oral questions, but only answered these writings on notecards.

The center of Atlanta to a private mission (a) was forced to have Gomes, the by rejection of the Washington diplomatic relations restore vacuum left diplomat to fill to ensure with Norte.Dijo Korea, he seeks approval from Washington to take diplomatic trips, but he no back, once he it, said Carter.

"" This is the kind of problem that cannot be faces of the Carter.Y Centre in all these areas, the United States, but it does the Carter Center,"said Carter. "You come where we want met we to us which we have selected and we say what we think."

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Bill Clinton: Republican, Bush look liberal

Former President Bill Clinton said MINNEAPOLIS - on Tuesday that the Republican party "Ideology on the evidence" is comprehensive and pushing pragmatic vote, his successor in the White House would make a liberal seems to be.

Clinton, speaking at a fundraiser in Minneapolis, democratic says, there are confused, the Republicans have far right and question asked if former President George w. Bush between the party would fit this year.

"A lot their candidates today make it look like a Liberal," Clinton told a crowd in a hotel in the Centre of the city impressed as he campaigned for the Democratic candidate for Governor Mark Dayton.

Clinton drew the influence of the GOP tea party movement.

"The tea party poder.Esto abuse now publicly is trader for private abuse of power, protest was", said Clinton, as a candidate supported by the tea party explains was like the winners on Tuesday evening in primary Republican to the United States Delaware competitive

The former President was to support in Minnesota Dayton, candidate for Governor of Minnesota.Los organizer claimed donations between $ 100 and $ 1,000.

Dayton faces Republican State Representative Tom Emmer and the independence party candidate Tom Horner.

Member of the Democratic Party elected Governor of Minnesota for 24 years.

In a statement before the event pairing the Clinton Dayton, pointing out, Minnesota GOP ridiculed President Tony Sutton as President Clinton famous declared "is the era of big government about".

But former Senator Mark Dayton has spent his entire career 30 years, the questions for more Government, higher taxes and more of the status quo, said Sutton.

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15 September 2010

White House sends high-dollar issue requests to Congress

WASHINGTON – Obama administration is a list of purchases in their allies Democrats in Congress when preparing legislation to the Government next month avoid closure needs to pass in the run-up to elections.

The Republican protest requirements for expenditure grants for school financial aid for the service of the post and over $ 4 billion by the Administration requested will fund settlements long-standing claims against the Government $ 1.9 billion.

Surround back after number Republican sets the label price Obama applications in more than $ 25 million, including $ 5.7 billion, the deficit in popular program grant Pell and $ 5.5 million to prevent strapped the postal for cash.

The White House is aimed at a Bill to fund the Government pass continues to the end on June 30 at year-end is necessary because the Congress fails to pass bills of annual expenditure to the day-to-day operations of requesting Government financing, public prosecutor, measure gastos.La.

Such stopgap funding bills are usually not the controversial legislation or important initiatives which the provisional measure gastos.Pero is the latest measure absolutely, has to pass Congress before the elections, and therefore a tempting destination on the Add unfinished.

"Obama management, Speaker Pelosi and democratic leaders will try and use this (provisional law project) as a ' Ave Maria ' spend more items of expenditure and Government in a frenetic last indent before the elections", said Congressman Jerry Lewis, R California.

Management wants to see also parts, the measurement of the economic stimulus of the previous year to renew maintenance subsidies to the States including $ 800 million for child.

Some of the proposals, including $ 1.2 million to the discrimination by the Ministry of Agriculture of black farmers and $ 3.4 million for mismanaging Indian trust funds, to resolve to the Parliament and the Senate at the beginning of this year as part of the largest law, but because of cost concerns were removed.

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Action Bill Reid defend addition of Amnesty

WASHINGTON - want to help us guide of the majority who said Senate Harry Reid Tuesday that attach a change to an invoice, young people in the United States illegally to legally residing in US defence policy.

Capitol legislation which is known as the Nevada Democrat said in a conference press, the DREAM Act long would not say tiempo. él if he votes for the amendment.The law Young University to visit or the military to legally residing in U.S. join would allow.

Young people should have come into the country, younger than 16 years and in the five years wurden.diejenigen, which forces join it must serve to at least two years and completed two years of University.

Democrats also rights groups promised gay service open into the forces armadas.Que, found in Bill Reid try said until next week puts an end the "ask, tell policy" bars gays.

Republicans are against both measures.

He asked if he answered the votes for the DREAM Act, Reid: "insurance hope that I."

President Barack Obama was under fire from immigrants and Spanish communities because was Congress unable to immigration reform to move into account despite his promise to solve the problem in his first year in the Oval Office.

Some critics say that at the end of Democrats on immigration reform a movement Político.Reid thrust is a difficult challenge for re-election of the tea party favorite Sharron a quarter of the population of Nevada angle, faces that make up the intensification of Einwanderung.Hispanic supports laws.

A spokeswoman for the Nevada Republican party, said Reid announced a trick of the campaign.

Jahan Wilcox "Nevada voters overwhelmingly reject these games politician desperately seeking only from a democratic accommodation of 28 a fifth term in the Senate could come", said in a statement.?

Pass blame Republicans for the inability to a radical reform of Immigration Bill Reid.

"I intentado.He tried from the very, very hard, but Republicans, we had in the last Congress (the immigration reform secured) have us," said.

Minutes before Reid announced, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell described policy "needlessly controversial" to include like Bill "Don 't ask, don't T tell" and plans to add the DREAM Act.

"I can tell you now simply the Bill will continue", McConnell said.

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Obama offer second return to the school address

WASHINGTON – in a PEP talk to students in the nation in back in College, President Obama laid down will tell you that nothing is always your framework blast, and if you are ready to dream big, hard work and focus on learning.

Obama deliver this message on Tuesday during his second speech back to school, this time a school of Philadelphia.

"Nobody is your goal, but write" Obama says speech, which the White House a day early, released so that people could read the comments of the President in advance and assessing the content itself.

"Your future is in your hands."Your life is, what does nothing - absolutely nothing - ella.Y is beyond their reach."When you are ready to dream grande.Siempre and if you are willing to work, provided duro.Entonces, you are ready to focus on education says. "

After the White House announced the speech last year, some conservative accused President try establishing political agenda on children some parents said that their children pull audience Obama observations to keep class.

But such protest is largely missing from this year.

Both talk urged Obama students stay in school, diligently and assume responsibility for your Ausbildung.Auch trying the students, with his slacking earlier-to motivate the life as an example.

For speech Obama says Tuesday, nothing beats, to a successful students in both your education life influence.

Types of opportunities that are open determined how much go to school"," said.In other words: The go more to school more goes in life "."

Obama, who triggered by a single mother, often before dawn before work and school, tutor says it the rose, the Government, educators and parents responsible for preparing students for successful classroom.But students have responsibilities, too, he said.

"Here is your work. To school your homework show attention on time.Pay in class.Doing. Study for exams. Stay out of danger Obama said. This kind of discipline and unit - A disk hard work - it is absolutely necessary for success".

Obama says that he knows it is true, because he always drive.

No applications for the University recalls a conversation with her mother on your sliding degrees as it was complete and how he's "casual" about his futuro.Como began to hear to tell his mother that do not need, says Obama, that its truncated, gave him a hard look and asked if he mind remembers what was put a little effort.

Obama says he was heard Deshechando that her mother.

But finally his words had their intended effect,"said. Also I seriously my estudios.hice esfuerzo.Y I started to see, my notes and my Outlook - mejorar.Y I know if hard work for me, could make the difference a difference can make."

Obama went on a Bachelor's degree of at Columbia University and a degree in law of the Harvard - two of the best schools in the nation to earn.

Obama plans, talk-this year school demonstration in Philadelphia and Julia r. Masterman Cavendish described last week to deliver Education Department Masterman achieving azul.Es Federal name as known commonly as a school band, closing schools or colleges that have improved significantly and helped to address gaps in performance among disadvantaged and minority students.

More than 90 percent of 1,150 of fünften-- Masterman on grade XII score, a caption or extended in a standardized state reading and mathematics tests won.

Last year was the Department of education also criticised for the distribution of plans, which proposed lesson with speech, including a section later changed, who asked the students to write how the President could help.

There is no plan, studies which accompanying, said the voice of this year Gannet Tseggai White House spokesperson.

Schools were not forced to air speech of the year, the speech of the President for the 2009 released at the White House, many critics support and some schools agreed Obama air discourse, after después todo.Obama pasado. a school in Arlington, va speaks...

Schools also must comments not air the President Tuesday or, although some give parents are an opportunity to take their children class during transmission.

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Republican Constitution challenge tea in primary party

WASHINGTON – face the Republican Constitution a final round of the challenges of the tea party militant Tuesday in Delaware, New Hampshire and New York at the end of a turbulent primary season dominated the wrath of voters in the Government as usual.

Until the end of the campaigns, the Republicans argue that your spirited presets of large winnings this autumn forecasts when hope to gain control of the House of representatives and Senate, as well as several Governments now in democratic hands get.

Until now in this year "More than four million Republicans, Democrats to the polls in primary gone provided further evidence of the gap of enthusiasm among the parties and the leader of the Democratic Party should be worried as we step for November step," heads Senator John Cornyn of Texas said the Republican Senate campaign efforts.

But, as in previous primaries, Democrats eng just GOP contests on Tuesday, with the hope of additional surprises-say - Republican seat be elected candidates this fall.

"The dining rooms created by this primary Democrats more competitive in a handful of the majors have given", said Eric Schultz, a spokesman for the Democratic Senate Committee for the campaign.

A total of seven States and the District of Columbia this week celebrate primary and some races offer local and wider interest.

Searches in Rhode Island, David Cicilline of Providence for the Democratic nomination for an open house seat.If, you Mayor selected, have this fall - he is favorite for the primary win in heavily Democratic - district became the fourth member of the Congress openly gay.

The capital of the country, Mayor Adrian Fenty faces a strong primary challenge and has spent weeks his constituents arrogant during his four years in Office behavior excuse.

However, the race, the more national interest, the drawing are State Office and on the coast, usually not mapped the movement of the Festival of tea which has reached its most remarkable victories so far in the States of Western and Southern Nevada, Colorado and Utah, South Carolina, Kentucky area.

Recession has taken not Delaware so hard with 8.4% of unemployment or New Hampshire, a 6 per cent unemployment, how many other Estados.Pero challengers try insurgents to use the same wrath of voters, which was shown elsewhere.

We are the King of our country,"said New Hampshire Senate candidate Ovide LaMontagne a small group of followers on the day, as he worked to defeat Aludo Kelly Ayotte in the Republican primary. You are otherwise. You govern us."

In Delaware, Representative Mike Castle, 71 and an integral part of public policies for more than one generation supports faces of a threat to Christine o' Donnell's former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin and the express tea party, the declared expenditure of more than $ 200,000 in its name in the last days.

Republican party officials passed Monday had contact with Chairman Tom Ross the Department of Justice received later state a threat of muerte.Ross to open supporters Castle, say at a time or ' Donnell "could not be selected to well bought" in Delaware.

In contrast to Castle, who is a former Governor of DOS término and was home State solo home the concepts of nine, or ' O'Donnell has ever been elected to public office.

Most of the campaign, the Castle content seemed to ignore him but as Senator Lisa Murkowski re-election in Alaska was unexpectedly defeated two weeks ago, he and the party abruptly course changed.

In the days since or ' O'Donnell has a string been shaken unflattering revelations about his personal life.

His house was threatened with exclusion at any time; IRS placed once is a right of retention against you, and not as I said for a long time, a graduate of the University makes more than two décadas.En instead, Fairleigh Dickinson gave a level last week.

But the Castle, which you could say the more moderate Republicans in the House and his record, the - 2008 voted for the rescue of the Bank, - has made him a ripe target.

"We can not choose any more liberal to Washington, D.C., especially those who will be the flag party Republicano.Es bear honor, A Republican," or ' O'Donnell said followers recently.

GOP strategists see the chance of the game to win seat Democrats more than Republicans in the state voter registration - now held democratic - and have made it clear that if he loses it will be abandoned or ' Donnell fall against the presumptive Democratic candidate, New Castle Executive Chris Coons County campaign.

It would therefore be a claim support, the Democrats have repeatedly how tightly the insurgent candidates won tea-backed primaries in other places, including Kentucky, Nevada and Colorado.

But the situation is not the same in New Hampshire where Adair support establishment and Palin. Alli, party strategists, say while the avant-garde of your choice is, win a nationwide race LaMontagne and would have their support.

Deputy Paul Hodes is unopposed for the Democratic nomination and spots a fact Republican Vanguard your audience like indicating plagues Adair in TV - part of the summer.

The seat is currently maintained by retiring GOP Senator Judd Gregg and doom that hope everyone who would be his loss all but gaining control of the Senate Republicans.

The race for the nomination for Republican Governor of New York can that would have stirred up party, but a remarkable turn of events in autumn in the heavily Democratic can make it make a difference.

Former Congressman Rick Lazio began as the avant-garde, the choice of the leaders of the Republican and conservative parties.

But Carl Paladino, a Kingdom developers who is a novice politician has traction with the help of activists of the Party of Té. él has committed against the "Lazio Liberals" and said Latium and the democratic Andrew Cuomo candidate tax caps "cowardly" growth in property propose instead of cuts.

14 September 2010

Error in the commandment of the Senate to the repeal of the tax legislation in health care

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell minority, a right, walk with Senator Mike Johanns, R-Nebraska, links in the Capitol in Washington on April 26. (AP Photo)

A provision of the new law that White House even lift not happy health care control WASHINGTON - the Senate failed.

The law is a request to this company file income tax for each vendor the more than $ 600 called in control groups were sold forms.Business say that it would create a nightmare paper work for more than 40 million companies.

Process the vote was defeated 46 52 and links an amendment by Senator Mike Johanns, R-Nebraska, repealed provision informes.Pero presentation were dropped below a 60-vote majority requerida.Legisladores unable to agree as a gap in income of $ 19 million since cancellations the request.

The rule takes effect in 2012.

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Friendly rivals: the GOP opponent praise each other in an effort combining Shevchenko Hoyer

WASHINGTON - candidates compete Tuesday's primary care less about V Congressional district in which victorious forth that someone hit 28 years, Democratic incumbent representative Steny Hoyer at the parliamentary elections.

HOYER is responsible leaders the most camera and grazing much legislation Obama management on their many legislative remedies Congreso.Entre is the Americans with Disabilities Act.In recently won the district by a large majority - 73% of the vote in 2008.

""I have a strong product results for the District V record,"Hoyer said in an e-Mail, most appeared each record in the creation of jobs, U.S. manufacturing and small businesses." "I police officers on the street, teacher, keep giving classrooms and the highest level of support our veterans and the answer".

But Hoyer has been too long, i.e. his rival.

"" "" I'm hoping we can beat Steny, ", said Chris Chaffee, 49, who is running as A Republican.I think that none of us is a better option than what we have now.It time of Steny further.

"" I am obliged, with a focus on November 2, no matter who is the candidate of the party,"said Collins Bailey, 56, A Republican.""I work is now quite up to 2 November who is regardless of the candidate because we change Congress."In 2008, he called also Hoyer.

"" Bailey had even positive things about one Democratic of Hoyer, Sylvanus bent Challenger say. """" He is who would make a great Congressman, a great guy,"said Bailey.""He is caught on the political side."

And "beat Hoyer"'s team not just republicanos.Bent, 78, is the candidate believed that Americans for change in the Congress must vote and "(President_Nancy_camera) is Pelosi and Hoyer a good place to start..."

"" Steny Hoyer is looking for themselves, "said bent.""He did a good job take care of yourself and a good job taking care of their voters done".

Move the Republicans so excited by change you is Charles Lollar, tea party was a featured speaker in rallies.

"" I believe to the limits of the mandate, I was not the political career,"he said." "I think there was a time when Mr Hoyer represented from a conservative point of view."Since Lollar says "lost but in areas such as fiscal responsibility (Hoyer) its roots".

"I'm running to show district 5, you have a choice," says Lollar, but make no mistake, "Win the elections".

So far, Lollar has raised almost $ 200,000 and Maryland has received indications of freedom the tea party works group along with several other conservative groups.Southern press bulletin, support him in the GOP primary.

But his fundraising total is a fraction of the more than 3 million $ Hoyer, D-Mechanicsville planteado.Challengers democratic of Hoyer, of which none caused, that money, you feel that this dynamic is the David and Goliath one of the problems with Washington.

"" "" The biggest problem with beat Congressman Hoyer is that he gets (in millions) of pressure groups, bent said. """Lobby is simply a legal name for bribery."

Another democratic candidate of Hoyer, 27-year-old Andrew gall graduate student recognizes "I have much less resources than my opponent" and added that pending word of mouth spread his campaign.

"" Our legislative process is dominated by interests of money,"said.""We need out the special interests to keep on increasing the public financing of elections."

"But while the money an important factor in the elections is the Maryland GOP is safe.""Absolutely" says the candidate a chance against Hoyer, have Ryan Mahoney, Director of policy for the Maryland Republican party.

"" If you look at what happened in the elections, which previously took place ".Mahoney." feel anti-incumbent there there said"there is a lot of people not happy with Washington.Creo performed as the Democrats, Lollar or Collins Bailey would bring a fresh voice in Washington."

"Lollar is agreed.""I didn't think that much to lose, I must with you honest".

Chris Robinson is also on the Republican ballot, but did not respond to the request of the comentario.Gavin Shickle, as the libertarian candidate unchallenged run.

District v includes Charles, Calvert, St. Mary, parts of Prince George and Anne Arundel County

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